
I Pour Life - North Point Church

10×10 WEEP brings women’s empowerment and sustainability together by providing a hand up through learned skills and business management. Currently, 10×10 WEEP serves families in Korah, Ethiopia.

I Pour Life - North Point Church

Korah is located on the outskirts of Addis Ababa, the capital city of Ethiopia. It is a trash dump and is home to over 100,000 people, most of whom are affected by either HIV, Aids, and/or leprosy. The women of Korah are truly the most vulnerable and marginalized members of Ethiopia's population. We will be traveling to Korah with I Pour Life to participate in their 10x10 program. 10x10 is a woman led, family empowerment program. Over 10 months they take 10 women and help them learn a trade and become financially self sufficient. The cost for a woman to to go through the program is only $1,000. This covers start up capital, medical expenses, immediate basic living needs, education for their children (public education is not free in Ethiopia), and an emergency reserve. All graduates of the 10x10 program so far have succeeded in establishing and running a sustainable business. Many now employ family and friends helping to break the cycle of poverty for others as well as themselves. Your donations will help us with our travel expenses and enable us to change lives for generations to come.


PO Box 5181
Springfield, MO 65801
+1 (417) 581-3607

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Alia Lee
+1 (417) 353-0385
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